AGN Upload Crew - (join now, upload media with the AGN app, try it..!)
Ben Brandt

Ben Brandt
Ben Brandt & the Soul Miners Union
Ben Brandt live solo on “love of illusion” by Soul Miners Union.

Ben Brandt
Ben Brandt : lick of the day
Messing with some new tones on a very nice old Les Paul

Ben Brandt
Ben Brandt and the Soul Miners Union
Ben Brandt and the Soul Miners Union live at the Englewood in Hershey Pennsylvania!

Ben Brandt
#fenderfriday with Ben Brandt...(or, Tele Tuesday...)
Ben Brandt From Soul Miners Union Pulls his old trusty tele out (very briefly....!) for Tele Tuesday/Fender friday!...Thx Ben....:)
Arinjoy Sarkar

Arinjoy Sarkar
Arinjoy Sarkar: Blues in D Minor
He's back, our favorite Blues Upload Crew Member, , Arinjoy Sarkar......Backing Track : Monster Mike Welch

Arinjoy Sarkar
Upload Of The DayBlues
Arinjoy Sarkar: "Sweet Little Angel", (BB King)
Backing track: TCGD Guitar Lessons

Arinjoy Sarkar
UPLOAD: Good Old Chicago Blues- Arinjoy Sarkar
Upload from SUBMIT MEDIA on the AGN APP: Arinjoy is back with some great Blues playing....(Backing Track- MCCD Sessions-YouTube)

Arinjoy Sarkar
Fat Tone Fun!! - Arinjoy Sarkar
More from Arinjoy Sarkar.....Backing Track: Random Jammer:
Erik Findling

Erik Findling
Upload Of The DayNewsRockBluesRecording
Mr. Brownstone solo - Erik Findling
This is a clip of Erik Findling doing his version of Slash’s solo on “Mr. Brownstone”. You too can upload now, just go to SUBMIT MEDIA on the AGN app and DO IT....!

Erik Findling
Erik Findling: Playling my Les Paul from Norm’s
Wow, how good is this guy.....Erik, you just get better and better by the day....! NOW, we really wanna see and hear from you too, go to SUBMIT MEDIA on the All Guitar Network app now....AND, submit some MEDIA...!!

Erik Findling
Erik Findling: Jamming at Pop Studios
Erik Findling taking a break at Pop Studios and playing some of the licks in his arsenal. Erik sent this in before the lockdown.
And remember, you can always click the SHOW MORE tab on the ALL GUITAR NETWORK app, click SUBMIT MEDIA and submit a clip of you playing.
And to everyone watching today, hang in there, wash your hands A LOT, play LOTS of guitar and stay safe.

Erik Findling
Erik Findling AGAIN....!
Guitarist Erik Findling brings out the Gibson Les Paul combined with a Marshall Stack JCM800 to get a nice crunch sound. And, some killer Blues licks....!
Jason Recht

Jason Recht
Upload Of The DayRockBlues
Jason Recht’s #thebeatchallenge
JASON RECHT is such a great young player, and he's back with another upload of the day....instagram: @jasonrechtmusic.
You can upload too..just go to SUBMIT MEDIA on the ALL GUITAR NETWORK app and submit some media.....!! stay safe and keep on pickin'....

Jason Recht
Upload Of The DayJazzRock
Jason Recht again: neo-soul type chord melody
Jason want's to know, "what should I name this song?". Thx for the upload Jason.
Think you've got what it takes? Simply go to SUBMIT MEDIA on the All Guitar Network app and upload NOW....!

Jason Recht
Upload Of The DayNewsJazzRockBluesAcoustic
Jason Recht - Quarantune
How good is this kid....the licks, the tone, BUT mainly the feel and the groove.....Thx for the upload Jason.
Think you've got what it takes? Simply go to SUBMIT MEDIA on the All Guitar Network app and upload NOW....!

Jason Recht
Jason Recht: “Cosmic Sans” - Cory Wong ft. Tom Misch
Jason Recht is at it again....! No better time to start uploading. Simply go to 'SUBMIT MEDIA' on the All Guitar Network app and upload a clip of you playing.
Jamey Arent

Jamey Arent
Jamey Arent: Boogie Blues in E
Once again, Jamey Arent wins our Upload Of The Week. So, why don't you upload something today, simply go to 'Submit Media' on the All Guitar Network app, play hard and hit SEND....!!

Jamey Arent
Jamey Arent: Tele Funk
Jamey Arent is one of the funkiest players we've heard.....! If you think you're pretty funky too, please go to our SUBMIT MEDIA on the AGN app and SUBMIT SOME FUNKY MEDIA, NOW....!
Kristian Daly

Kristian Daly
Trying to channel a bit of John Lee Hooker.
Hope you enjoy and keep on strumming

Kristian Daly
The Wall with a twist
The Wall with a twist

Kristian Daly
Kristian Daley …. Laid Back
Check out the UPLOAD feature on the AGN app and upload some of your playing. Here's the latest from one of our regulars, Kristian Daley …. Laid Back.

Kristian Daly
Slow hand blues
Slow hand blues
Dominic Johnson

Dominic Johnson
Vandenberg style riffs
This video demonstrates the Vandenberg style Freight Train song Riffs.

Dominic Johnson
Over the hills and far away Gary Moore Rhythm
This video demonstrates the rhythm of the song Over the hills and far away by Gary Moore.

Dominic Johnson
Neo Classical and Blues Solo by Dominic Johnson
Welcome the latest member of the UPLOAD CREW, Dominic Johnson.